

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Movie

In any kind of film adaptation, differences from the original work are bound to crop up. Nevertheless, many LOEG fans have been chagrined at some of the reported changes being made for the upcoming movie; changes such as the reduction in importance of Miss Murray's character, and the addition of Tom Sawyer to the cast of characters. I, being one of those abovementioned chagrined fans, have attempted to console myself by saying that it could have been worse. How much worse? Gentle Readers, I present you with the cast list from the screwed-up alternate universe version of the movie, aptly re-titled:

The League of Extreme Gentlemen


Sarah Michelle Gellar as Wilhelmina Murray
Ben Affleck as Allan Quatermain
Samuel L. Jackson as Captain Nemo
Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Henry Jekyll
Bobcat Goldthwait as Edward Hyde
Gilbert Gottfried as Hawley Griffin
Hayden Christensen as Tom Sawyer
Orlando Bloom as Huckleberry Finn
Chris Rock as Jim
Harrison Ford as young Henry Jones Sr.
Hugh Jackman as Wolverine


Pierce Brosnan as Campion Bond
Judi Dench as James Moriarty
Kelsey Gramer as Sherlock Holmes
William Shatner as Mycroft Holmes

Jet Li as Fu Manchu... whoops, I mean Dr. Not-Appearing-In-This-Film.

Instead, Our Heroes will be pitted against:

John Cleese as Adolf Hitler's Grandfather
The Rock as The Scorpion King
John de Lancie as Lord Voldemort


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